Thank you so much for following along with me on this journey. I will definitely post recipes on this site again; at least one a week for your tasty pleasure. We'll make it "Tasty Tuesdays" - I like that!
Yesterday I told you guys about the warm-up, the workout before the workout. Today I'll delve a little into the Spartan workout itself. So far I've only been training for 3 days. The first day's workout was really easy compared to the warm-up. The next day got a little more serious. It started with that same fabulous warm-up, then proceeded to do this:
Run 1 mile
10 burpees
15 crunches
5 burpee pull-ups
10 hanging knee raises
3 15sec sprints w/ 30sec rest in between
Run 1/2 mile fast
That was just Day 2. So yeah.
The running is currently slow. I'm doing about a 15 minute mile and still have to take a 30sec breather in there every so often to continue. I've trained in running before and know that I'll see improvements in that area rather quickly as my body gets used to it again. I'm also fortunate enough to have a pretty great treadmill in my basement, which is awesome because I don't know if you know this, but this is what it looks like outside in these parts:
Honestly I have to say I'm having a lot of fun. I'm grateful to the whole Spartan team for putting these events together and sending out their Workout of the Day. My mind is not focused on losing weight, exercising, or eating healthier. My mind is focused on that June 7th day where - as they say - I will know at the finish line. Sometimes we focus too much on the steps and call that the goal, and we lose our way. I know I have. Setting definitive goals and working towards them is the absolute BEST way to break out of the rut and exceed your own expectations! I'm well on my way...
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