Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Comfort Food

How's everybody doing? A link to this blog must've been posted somewhere because I'm suddenly getting hits and comments from people I don't know in real life. That's pretty darn fabulous. Welcome and thanks for coming on this journey with me!

Well ladies and gents, I'm due in less than two weeks. My baby girl is on her way and we are all super excited. Joshua and Juliette can't wait to meet their new little sister. Pierre smiles from ear to ear, realizing there will be a baby in the house again. This pregnancy has really been wonderful, and I know good nutrition has played a big role in that.

Today's post is for when you're in the mood for some good old fashioned comfort food. Even though the weather is heating up, it's never too hot to cuddle up on the sofa with some hot chocolate, grilled cheese and a good movie.

Non-Dairy milk (I use unsweetened rice milk)
Unsweetened cocoa powder (Ghirardellis rocks)
Unrefined sweetener (I use agave syrup)
Jamaican Allspice

Heat the milk, adding the rest of the ingredients to suit your taste. The allspice and cinnamon really give it an authentic carribean flavor. Pierre said it tasted like the hot chocolate he used to drink in Haiti as a child.


Multigrain bread
Sliced tomato
Daiya Cheese (cheddar flavor)
Vegan butter (I use Earth Balance)

Cook it up the way you would a normal grilled cheese. For an even healthier version, skip the frying pan and use the toaster oven. Yummy yum yum!


  1. Daiya posted a link to your blog on Facebook and that is how I found you.

    Funny thing about the tomato in the grilled cheese is that my wife never heard of doing this. Makes me wonder if it is a Puerto Rican family thing to do.

    I also add Lightlife Bacon to this and have a tomato/bacon grilled cheese.

    Cook Train Eat Race

  2. Ah - Daiya! That rocks! When I'm pregnant I can put tomato on pretty much anything...glad to hear it might just be a P.R. thing. Mmmm I like your version - I just might have to break my no meat substitutes rule to try that! It's giving me BLT dreams...

  3. Yes, I saw it on Facebook and was so excited to find you! :)
